🍫South African Candy!!🇿🇦🍫🍬

“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” 

-Romans 8:38-39 

 Hello folks! Welcome to the Wonderful World Of Me, and my first, like real actually-doing-something post. Squeee!

So a few days ago I got a lot of candy, from some relatives of mine who live in South Africa. Did I mention I was born there?

I'm just gonna be telling you what I have. I might also blog my candy collection that I have otherwise, but now I 'm just going to do  this because theres a lot. 

So first, I got a lot of fizzers. I first had eleven but I ate one so now I have ten. I love fizzers so much and they're pretty popular in South Africa so I get a lot of them! 

Also, let's see...I got a lot of wine gums. They don't have actual wine in them, of course, they're these little gummy candy circles and they have different flavors like orange and lemon and stuff, they're really good. Also, these ones are in little packages instead of rolls, like I'm used to, there are many pros and cons of candy that comes in a roll. So ya. 

Next, I got some Cadbury stuff: two different Cadbury Bars, I might sometime, do a review of these, but not now. One of them is a Cadbury Lunch bar, and those seem pretty popular, and the other one is a Five-Star Bar, and I heard those were pretty good, from my cousin who lives in South Africa, and I’m super excited to dig into that, I was gonna do it the night I got this, except then Dad suggested I wait till my Mom's back. So yep, I might do that tonight because Mom'll be home, also a good thing for me to learn to save the good candy, because I always eat it first, and all good things are better when saved for last, I find. 

Then, I have some smarties. Those are South African smarties not American smarties, they're different. I don't actually like American smarties very much, I don't like that kind of thing, like the sour chewy, like sucking candy, I think? Also I don't like their packaging it's hard to open. These ones, are like m&ms but not, little round disks with chocolate inside, that come in boxes. 

Random sidenote: What's the difference between disc with a C and disk with a K? If you know pls tell me in the comments because I wanna know. 


I also have some fizz-pops, which are like suckers that have sherbet in them, (Random sidenote: I used to call my bus driver FizzPop, because his name was similar to Mr.Fizz which is wat every one called him, so I would call him Fizz, or Fizzy or Fizzo, etc.) Anyways, I have some regular fizzpops, and I also have green ones, which are like, apple flavor I think? 

Then I got some nougat with almonds in it, and fun fact: the T at the end of the word "nougat" is actually silent. Who knew? 

Lastly, I have a PS bar, which is chocolate with caramel in it, and the message on it is Be Strong, so that's nice. Randomly, I wanna know in the comments how you say the word caramel. I firmly believe it is carmel, but I like knowing others oppinions!  

Also, now just a bonus section of my other candy. 

I have some random starbursts and little suckers floating around from all the way last Halloween, and a pixie stick—Also from Halloween—Which I really don't want, some mentos from a random store at a random time I don't remember.  I have some funDip and Tootsie rolls from an arcade, I think about two months ago? Lastly I have at least a few rolls of wine gums which are delicious, as usual. 

That's it for this post! Questions: 

Have you had any of these? What do you think of them? Do you say caramel carmel or care-a-mel? Have fun!


Bruni Vogel said…
Hi Hannah
Lovely blog
I always say caramel
With love
Tante Bruni
Rosa said…
I also say 'caramel.' I love smarties!

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