Recap of my week in new Jersey!

 Heyy! Today I'm going to share some highlights from my trip to New Jersey! I'll be putting in the dates and then the highlights from that day! 

So a bit of background: my family (me, my mom, my dad, and my brother Daniel) went to Beach Haven, New Jersey, from July 27th to August 3rd. It was super fun and I'm supper happy to be writing about it here!

Saturday, July 27th

We left at 5 in the morning

It took us 7 hours to get their

We just relaxed and settled in for the rest of the day

Sunday, July 28th

Today all 4 of us (Me, Daniel, Mom and Dad) went to a crepe place, and we were second in line! This is good because it's very popular—too popular, and people start lining up before it even opens!

I got a nutella crepe and it was so delicious!

We went to Fantasy Island, which is an amusement park about a mile away from where we were staying

Dad and I went on the bumper cars together which was super fun although there weren't very many other people there.

Other rides I went on were the Atlantic Scrambler, Shark Attack (Tilt-a-whirl), Crab Race (Going around in circles while tilting; I always do this one by myself because I'm already practically falling out of the cart without someone else pushing me out) the Lighthouse Launch (Up-and-down) and the Sea Dragon (Up-and-down + swinging ride)

I had a bagel with cream cheese for lunch and then me and my brother had Tim Tams (Delicious Australian chocolate cookies) and had a competition to see who could eat it the slowest. 

He won.

We went to the beach after dinner which was super fun, and I just stood in the shallow water feeling the waves.

Monday, July 29th

I went to a place called the Pearl Street Market for breakfast, where I got an egg, sausage and cheese roll.

I didn't like the sausage so I took it out, and decided to get bacon from then on.

I went to Fantasy Island with Dad and Daniel again today.

I went on the same rides + more fun on the bumper cars with more people!, which also meant more bumps, so that was really fun!

I went to a candy store in the morning with Mom and Daniel, where I got some butterbeer candy and pocky sticks.

After we got home Daniel and I each had our 5-star bars (South African candy) and tried to eat them the slowest.

I lost, and then decided I was done with savoring candy bars😂

We went to the beach again after dinner.

Tuesday, July 30th

I went to the Pearl Street Market again and got the bacon egg and cheese roll instead of the sausage one. It was wayyy better.

For dinner we went to a seafood place, where I got—surprise!—a burger and fries. I know, I know, but I was going to have ice cream later, so I didn't want to get too full on a lobster roll (Something I did want to get)

For dessert, we all went to an ice cream place down the street, where I got mint chocolate chip ice cream with hot fudge.

Wednesday, July 31st

I had the same bacon egg and cheese roll at the Pearl Street Market, and it was just as great!

I walked to a grocery store with Mom and then had some juice.

Thursday, August 1st

I lay in a hammock outside the house for most of the morning.

We all went to a restaurant called the Chicken Or The Egg for dinner. I got mac 'n Cheese!

After that we went to the same ice cream place as Tuesday, where I got the exact same thing.

Friday, August 2nd

I had a piece of butter crumb cake with breakfast, and it tasted really good!

I lay in the hammock for a few hours again.

I went to Fantasy Island with Daniel and Dad and enjoyed the Friday special (You pay $30 and then get to go on unlimited rides), I had so much fun!

There was a lot of packing that afternoon as we would be leaving eeeeeeeeearrrrrly the next morning.

Saturday, August 3rd

We left at 4 in the morning and got home at around 9 (Also in the morning LOL). It felt really good to be home!

I hope you enjoyed my recap of my week! Were there any fun vacations you went on this summer? Did you go to the beach? Tell me in the comments!


Emeren said…
Hey Hannah! I had a really busy summer lol so I haven't posted in a couple months 😅 Sounds like you had a great time!

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