Life updates
Hey y'all! Today I,'m just gonna give you a little life update.
A bunch of interesting things have been going on lately and I'm going to go through them.
On Thursday the 17th of October I had my first ever high school choir concert. I think it went really well.
Yesterday I went to a speech & debate tournament where i competed in impromptu speaking, which is where you get 3 prompts, pick one, and then you have 6 minutes to prepare and present a speech about it. I had 3 rounds and the first one I talked about ways to spend the summer, in the second I talked about the quote "What seems hard now will one day be your warm-up" and in the third I analyzed the Mastercard slogan. It was super fun. I'm not sure if I won yet. When I go to the Tabroom (which is a website from the National Speech and Debate Association where you can sign up for and track tournaments) there's a section where I can see my results from that tournament. But there's just a bunch of numbers there and I don't know what they mean so I'm going to find out.
I'm super excited for Halloween despite the fact I'm not sure what to dress up as or whether I will at all.
On the 28th my English class is doing this in-school retreat called Voices United. It's about stopping bullying and discrimination I'm not sure if I want to go to that because I'm all for it but I feel like at least in elementary / middle school if they were always telling you that if you or someone you knew was being bullied to tell a trusted adult, but if a teacher was that trusted adult they didn't do anything about it. So I'm not for that.
It's starting to get a little colder where I am, which is good in some ways but not good in others. Good because hot chocolate and comfy clothes and hot baths and not having to go outside during PE (LOL). Also Christmas and winter break, and snow days even though they backfire later in the year, but that's all far away so I'm not going to look forward to it yet, I like to stay in the moment. Bad because, well, it's cold, and it's also the season of chapped lips, frizzy hair, and this school year is expected to end on the June 22nd if their aren't snow days, so since there are naturally gonna be snow days, though they are fun in the moment they lead to more school at the end of the year.
Okay that's my life lately. What have you all been doing lately and what are your favorite and least favorite things about Winter? Tell me in the comments!