Merry Christmas Eve Eve😍
Hey eeps! I realized I forgot to post this earlier but here's a little update / ramble sesh.
In the next week or so I'm definitely gonna tell y'all what I got for Christmas. Little disclaimer about that that I will not be using the term haul, inspired by Mayim from The Braided Vine. I'm fine with other people using it but I agree with Mayim and Pearl that it does seem like a brag post, also another thing that I interpret about the word haul for any random reason is that it sort of seems like it should be something you get yourself. For that reason it's just a little awkward for me to call my Christmas gifts a haul. Comment down below if you agree or disagree.
I miiiiiight also do a Christmas day in the life blog, Idk what to call it but it's not gonna be a vlog and it's not gonna have like pictures or anything, it'll just pretty much me talking about the stuff I did. (I think I did one of these last year too, I'll have to check though).
Then if I might do a post with New Year's resolutions / goals.
Also btw Christmas Eve Eve, if you will, is a TikTok thing I believe but the first place I saw it being used is the podcast Artify, pleaseeeeee go check that out it's so good!!!! Also a long-inactive blogger who also happens to be named Hannah (from Diary of a Daydreamer which is not accessible anymore except mayyyybe through the Wayback Machine, I'll have to check because I know some of her posts are available there) came up with the term "Christmas Adam!" get it? Because Adam came before Eve? Well I personally think that's pretty clever, feel free to tell me your thoughts in the comments!
That's pretty much it for me today, and until next time this is Miss Gevious, signing off!