Quick recap of my mini-trip :)
Hey friends! February vacation is coming to a close for me, sadly, but I had a great, relaxing and fun vacation! My favorite part for sure was going to Rhode Island for a night with my dad and brother. I'm quickly going to recap that for you all. :D
I didn't have to pack very much since it was just a one-night trip, I just emptied out my school bag and I didn't even have to struggle to put everything in. The car ride was about an hour and a half, and I listened to a book called My Life in the Fish Tank by Barbara Dee.
Quick review: I'm a fan of some of Barbara Dee's other books so I was honestly pretty disappointed with this one. It was a nice concept but it was just really slow and repetitive and not very interesting after a while.
Once we arrived at our hotel we settled in and then went to the 99 Restaurant for dinner. I had a Shirley Temple like y'all know I usually do LOL, and I ate from the kids' menu so I could get a free ice cream sandwich :D I had chicken fingers and fries and they were delicious XD and the ice cream sandwich was awesome as well!
I arrived back at the hotel and got ready for bed. At that point I gave up on my aformentioned audiobook that I was listening to on the drive. I switched to another one called Not If I Can Help It by Carolyn Mackler.
Quick review: I didn't expect this book to be very good, since it covers topics that I don't generally enjoy reading about. However it was amazing once I persevered through it and carries a theme that change isn't always a bad thing. Also the main character is neurodivergent, and I often have trouble with that kind of thing because I'm not very patient, but I'm working on that, so this book forced me to exercise some patience. :)
We went to breakfast at a place that I forgot the name of, sadly, and I had a bagel with bacon, egg, cheese, and arugula. It was really yummy. Next we went back to the hotel pool, but I didn't stay for very long because it was a little cold. I moved over to the hot tub and stayed there for a while but the sun was getting in my eyes a lot, so I decided to go back to the pool which was farther away from the windows and the awful winter sun LOL. I just sat there and hung my feet in the water. Then I went upstairs and took a shower. I didn't have shampoo and didn't think to see if the hotel had any so I didn't wash my hair (I did when I got home though).
After that we all packed our stuff and left the hotel, we then drove around Rhode Island. It was windy so no one really wanted to go outside. Then we stopped at another cafe (I think it was called the Cru Cafe) where I had a chicken sandwich and a Diet Coke! Then we did some more driving around, then went home.
So there you go, that was my trip. this was kind of a short post, but I hope you enjoyed it anyways. Until next time, this is Miss Gevious, signing off!