
Recipes I want to try!

Hi peeps! Welcome back to my first post in a little less than  month. Fortunately for you guys I have quite a few blog posts ideas so I should be able to get back on a regular posting schedule soon.  I don't cook very much, but it's really fun when I do and I want to start doing it more. Below are a few recipes I've found that I want to try. Most of these are desserts and/or sweet treats, but there's at least one savory thing on here, don't worry.   Chocolate pie cookies These cookies sound soooo good! First I like chocolate in general, so there's that. I'm also curious to know what makes it a chocolate pie cookie rather than just a regular chocolate cookie.  Pumpkin spice hot chocolate I love hot chocolate and all, but sometimes I wonder how it would taste with another flavor besides just chocolate.  Oreo muffins  This was a recent post on one of my favorite baking blogs, Jane's Patisserie. I haven't even read the recipe yet but I've neve

Italian food🍝

Hiy people! I'd like to tell you about last night and the Italian food that I tried. My family went to a really nice restaurant in Boston, and when my mom booked it she told them we were celebrating my birthday so the people there wished me a happy birthday, they also gave me a menu with Happy 14th Birthday Hannah written on it. That was super duper cool! For appetizers we got some burrata cheese, prosciutto and melon, and a focaccia. My favorite was the focaccia, and I also liked the prosciutto and melon, but I didn't like the cheese very much it tasted very plain and not really like anything. I also tried something called mortadella, but I don't remember what that is I think it was a dip. Then for the main course I got a bolognese made with fresh pasta, not frozen and then boiled. It was amazing! It wasn't a very big serving size but what mattered was that it was delicious. For dessert I tried 2 things: a strawberry croissant pastry thing with gelato on top, and a cho

Recap of my week in new Jersey!

  Heyy! Today I'm going to share some highlights from my trip to New Jersey! I'll be putting in the dates and then the highlights from that day!  So a bit of background: my family (me, my mom, my dad, and my brother Daniel) went to Beach Haven, New Jersey, from July 27th to August 3rd. It was super fun and I'm supper happy to be writing about it here! Saturday, July 27th We left at 5 in the morning It took us 7 hours to get their We just relaxed and settled in for the rest of the day Sunday, July 28th Today all 4 of us (Me, Daniel, Mom and Dad) went to a crepe place, and we were second in line! This is good because it's very popular—too popular, and people start lining up before it even opens! I got a nutella crepe and it was so delicious! We went to Fantasy Island, which is an amusement park about a mile away from where we were staying Dad and I went on the bumper cars together which was super fun although there weren't very many other people there. Othe

My life lately🫧✨☀️

  Heyy wonderful people! Today I'm here to give you some highlights of the past few months, as well as give you a recap of two of my summer trips. Highlights from May + June: May 5th: Choir retreat at a high ropes place, where we did this giant rope swing (I didn't do it though bc I'm not a daredevil LOL) but still had lots of fun at May 6th: I stayed home from school because I had a sore throat. May 11th: debate tournament which I worked really hard for, but could not go because I had Pink eye :( very disappointing May 24th: fun day at school ft. line dancing and an extra long lunch. May 28th: Field trip into Boston ft. a documentary about sea life, the Holocaust Memorial, and lunch at Faneuil Hall, where I bought myself a chicken parm panini, and a cookie dough milkshake May 29th-31st: weekend in New Hampshire ft. the best chicken salad sub ever, mini golf and laser tag June 13th: Field day, where we did a bunch of fun relays, and a tug-of-war (I fell in the grass

A Happy List

  Hey y'all! Welcome back to another blog post!!! I got the idea of happy lists from Mayim's blog The Braided Vine as you may know, and I have one so I'ma do one today, because I've been in a real good mood lately! :)  --Line dancing  --Summer vacation is in 9 days!!!  --The anticipation of becoming a high schooler  --Laser tag and actually getting some people  --The sound of a fast-flowing stream  --Cringey Warriors fanfictions that I excavated from the depths🤣 --Cake!  --Podcasts   --Pop tarts  --Dinner in the backyard because it's nice and warm out  --Listening to the radio on the way to school and this pop culture trivia game show we love (It's on Spotify as well but I'm still hesitant on sharing it because online safety)  --Going into the city and buying a chicken parm panini and a cookie dough milkshake that were both amazing (On a school trip, no less!)  --Cute new outfits  --Good grades  --I only have two more teeth left to lose!  --