Quick recap of my mini-trip :)
Hey friends! February vacation is coming to a close for me, sadly, but I had a great, relaxing and fun vacation! My favorite part for sure was going to Rhode Island for a night with my dad and brother. I'm quickly going to recap that for you all. :D Sunday: I didn't have to pack very much since it was just a one-night trip, I just emptied out my school bag and I didn't even have to struggle to put everything in. The car ride was about an hour and a half, and I listened to a book called My Life in the Fish Tank by Barbara Dee. Quick review: I'm a fan of some of Barbara Dee's other books so I was honestly pretty disappointed with this one. It was a nice concept but it was just really slow and repetitive and not very interesting after a while. Once we arrived at our hotel we settled in and then went to the 99 Restaurant for dinner. I had a Shirley Temple like y'all know I usually do LOL, and I ate from the kids' menu so I could get a free ice cream sandwich...