
Showing posts from October, 2024

Recipes I want to try!

Hi peeps! Welcome back to my first post in a little less than  month. Fortunately for you guys I have quite a few blog posts ideas so I should be able to get back on a regular posting schedule soon.  I don't cook very much, but it's really fun when I do and I want to start doing it more. Below are a few recipes I've found that I want to try. Most of these are desserts and/or sweet treats, but there's at least one savory thing on here, don't worry.   Chocolate pie cookies These cookies sound soooo good! First I like chocolate in general, so there's that. I'm also curious to know what makes it a chocolate pie cookie rather than just a regular chocolate cookie.  Pumpkin spice hot chocolate I love hot chocolate and all, but sometimes I wonder how it would taste with another flavor besides just chocolate.  Oreo muffins  This was a recent post on one of my favorite baking blogs, Jane's Patisserie. I haven't even read the recipe yet but I've neve